Counsel Culture Podcast: Seely, Neidle, and SLAPPs

Counsel Culture Podcast: Seely, Neidle, and SLAPPs

Counsel Culture Podcast: Seely, Neidle, and SLAPPs 2560 1707 Sean Cullen

This Week’s episode of Counsel Culture: The Business of Law Podcast has arrived!

This week, Meg is joined by Ben Girdlestone, Managing Director at Byfield, for your regular roundup of the top stories from the London legal market. We talk about the gamble of team hires, AML compliance, press access to the family courts, and the latest outing from Seely, Neidle and SLAPPS (not the 70s supergroup – the other one). Ben also tells us why he has ditched the Chelsea boots for a pair of Scarlet Doc Martins. 

Our podcast is now available to download via a number of platforms. Visit the below links to download/stream from your platform of choice.


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