Thought Leadership

Baby Reindeer: A Legal Examination of Truth

Baby Reindeer: A Legal Examination of Truth 2400 1350 Sean Cullen

Television binge-watchers and those tuned into popular culture will be familiar with the extraordinary saga that surrounded the release of Netflix’s hit series, ‘Baby Reindeer’. It’s the story of Donny…

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M&A - a handshake

Components of a successful strategic communications strategy in professional services M&A

Components of a successful strategic communications strategy in professional services M&A 1220 628 Sean Cullen

The communications plan is an essential tool for success in any merger or divestment, and benefits from being given due attention early in the process. While it might be tempting…

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A headshot of Byfield Special Advisor Funke Abimbola MBE

Why diversity, equity and inclusion still matter

Why diversity, equity and inclusion still matter 1200 628 Sean Cullen

Driving diversity, equity and inclusion remain firmly on the agenda within the legal industry and firms using best practices will see real commercial and reputational benefits, writes Funke Abimbola MBE,…

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The Six Things Keeping Managing Partners Awake at Night

The Six Things Keeping Managing Partners Awake at Night 1034 668 byfield

Law firm leaders facing seismic challenges in how they run and lead their businesses against a backdrop of increasing uncertainty.

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