Posts By :

Michael Evans

Exclusivity vs. Utility: The Argument Around Clubhouse

Exclusivity vs. Utility: The Argument Around Clubhouse 2560 1920 Michael Evans

Have you begun to think about how you’d integrate Clubhouse into your #communications strategy? Yes                              …

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Aberrance, Blunders and Catface: The ABC’s of Zoom Errors

Aberrance, Blunders and Catface: The ABC’s of Zoom Errors 2560 1707 Michael Evans

In an interconnected world, we need to be sure we don’t share… too much. Silence falls in the zoom-call, jerking you back from your daydream. Sweat beads on your palms…

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Priority Channels: Making the Most of Media

Priority Channels: Making the Most of Media 2560 1707 Michael Evans

Byfield’s survey shows social media may rule the roost, but content is her consort. One of our recent polls asked our clients which communication channel was their firm’s priority for…

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zoom meeting

The Importance of a Litigation PR Strategy

The Importance of a Litigation PR Strategy 1600 1200 Michael Evans

Earlier this month, Byfield Consultancy and Commwiser held a virtual roundtable focused on litigation in India.

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